Our Rifle Club shoots most Saturday afternoons at Tallangatta Ranges. Visitors are most welcome to attend and to shoot on the range, either with their own rifles, or Club Equipment can be supplied. Turn up on the day or email admin@wodongarifleclub.com.au for information prior to your visit. Shooting starts 1pm most Saturdays except as stated on the club program. Please turn up at least 30 minutes prior to commencement for a briefing on range etiquette and safety.
Expert Supervision and help for new shooters is available and all visitors will be supervised and coached for at least their first 5 visits. Visitors are very much encouraged to become permanent members. A Firearms Licence is not needed at first. Club Membership qualifies people to obtain a permanent Firearms Licence after completing the relevant courses.
Insurance against accident, damage or misadventure
Any potential new member shall participate for a probationary period of six (6) months or 15 activities as a guest. Once these criteria have been reached, he/she will be required to become a member of the NRAA and his/her State Association. This ensures that people who engage in Target Shooting as defined in the SSR’s or who officiate at an NRAA activity are covered by the NRAA’s Insurance policy. After the above period, visitors need to decide about joining the club, paying membership fees and thereby being covered for Insurance. They may wish to join before the period stipulated above, provided their membership is approved by their Club.
For Use of Club Facilities and Equipment:
First Visit – No Range Fees + $1.00 per round supplied
Next 4 Visits – $10 Range Fees + $1.00 per round supplied
A normal shooting afternoon is 24 Rounds per afternoon. Then Normal Full Member costs apply.
Visitors with their own ammunition and equipment:
First Visit – No Range Fee
Next 4 visits – $10 Range Fee per day. Then Normal Full Member costs apply.
Normal Full Member Costs:
$15 Range Fee per day, supply own ammunition.
General Information
Please ensure your rifle is suitable for use at the range in the disciplines and distances we shoot. If in doubt, discuss its suitability with the club contact before proceeding.
Typically, the minimum calibre used is .223 Rem or .308 Win in the F Standard classes with a projectile weight of no more than 156 grains. In F Open and FTR then any calibre up to 8mm with any weight projectile. Only bolt action, centrefire rifles complying with the NRAA Standard Shooting Rules for supported prone shooting must be used.
Our Rules now include rifles classified as “Sporter Division” This discipline is intended to allow commercially available (shop purchased) sporting/hunting/varmint repeating type centrefire rifles to be used on NRAA rifle ranges. The discipline is both participative and competitive, to allow new shooters with existing rifles entry into the sport.
Muzzle brakes are not permitted.
DO NOT leave firearms unattended, keep them secured/locked in your vehicle until ready to take to the firing line (mound). Always ensure the rifle bolt & magazine (if fitted) are removed from the rifle and ammunition is kept in a separate bag or case.
Please don’t bring firearms into the clubhouse.
Empty Chamber Indicators MUST be used, should you not have one, then they can be purchased from the club secretary at a cost of $5 each, or from any reputable gun shop. They must be of an approved design and type for the rifle used.
Please bring suitable hearing, eye & sun protection, be aware that like anywhere in the Australian bush there are bugs/critters e.g., Snakes/insects are around. We recommend wearing long sleeved tops and long trousers with enclosed footwear.